For the last few weeks I have been feeling lost. I know I’m drained from working non-stop and all the other stuff in my life, but I don’t think it’s just the fatigue that’s making me feel this way.

I feel that somewhere along the road I have lost sight of who I wanted to be and what I wanted to achieve. I had a lot of dreams and goals when I was younger. I was a very determined person. I still am to a large extent, but I can’t seem to be determined about anything that would enrich my life or the lives of others.

i have lost focus and I feel I have lost my way. All I am doing is drifting from one day to the next… just getting by. Work is consuming my life and if things were fantastic there, I probably wouldn’t be feeling like this. I don’t think I’m doing the kind of work that I has aspired to be doing. It seems like whatever I am doing is not giving back to the world. I’m in a rat race, being pushed to get ahead, often at any cost. Sadly, I don’t have luxury to quit this all and change the course of my life because I need to be stable for my daughter.

I’ve had my fair share of being depressed, and I know this is not one of those instances. I don’t feel sad or trapped, I feel like I’m missing something. Like there’s something I could be doing or should be doing but I’m not.

I don’t know, but I can only hope that it’s never to late…