Planner stress is a very real issue for many… yes, I meant planner, not planning. While planning can be stressful for a great many, I think planner stress have far fewer victims. We are an elite niche group of people who stress about things like which binder to use, which size to use, which colour to use, washi tape / no washi tape, diary insert format, et cetera, et cetera.

We love fretting over these little things and deliberating over our choices, all the while getting encouragement and support from our lovely little community of bloggers.

Every few months I get the urge to change my planner. It’s not that I constantly crave change. On the contrary, I like being in my comfort zone. When I find something I like, I usually stick to it. But not in the case of planners. And when I get the urge, I start stressing out. It’s a weird feeling only few will understand. You’re not sure if you want to make the change, not sure if you can, not sure if you should.

This time around, I’m thinking of making a major change. I’m thinking of ditching the filofax / ring mechanism system! I’m using my favourite Personal size at the moment, and truthfully there’s nothing wrong with it. But, I just want to see if I can make the change. I ordered a really nice DPP Moleskine, the special edition ones and now longing / dreading for it to arrive next week. I really haven’t made up my mind yet!

Well, even though we count planner stress among our problems, to me it’s a great thing that I have a little world, full of wonderful people who share the same “stress” that I do.

Happy planning!