I just realised that I have 96 draft blog posts. That’s quite a bit. Every time I get an idea for a blog, I create a post with the title (or not) and write down a few notes. Mostly this is done on my phone. I almost always have ideas at the weirdest times, so I just open the WP app and create a draft post.

Then later when I actually think about writing out the post, I either get too lazy or the idea doesn’t seem that great anymore. I guess I’m not that only one who does this. But 96?!?! That’s quite a lot of draft posts.

I think my procrastination gets the better of me and I just decide not to write it. I also have the great charm of being a perfectionist at times. So if I think I have a really great idea, I’ll think about so many ways to write it, that I just end up not writing it.

I know this can’t be a good habit at all. I need to sift through those 96 posts and start writing out some of them. I’m pretty sure there are some good ideas among them. 🙂