This is a question I’ve thought about for a long time. May be ever since I started blogging. When I started out, I thought that I would be writing thought provoking blog posts. Issues that plagued the world or something akin to an op-ed column. I didn’t get very with that line of thinking. I thought a blog post should be like an article. Having read so many good blogs, I felt I needed to conform to a certain standard. And definitely the standard could not be met with just a paragraph or few measly words.

But in the age of too much information, do people really have time to read long blog posts as well? I don’t know. We’ve gone from skimming articles to… conveying our thoughts in 140 characters to…not saying anything at all and just posting a picture. It’s not just that we don’t have the time to write, we don’t have the time to read either. So if we want to reach an audience, we need to write less, post more pictures and get to the point quicker.

I still love reading long posts when I get the time… who knows even this post may be considered too long.